Dalton College was invited to Education Agents Forum.
Education Agents Forum is an event where local education agents can meet education providers and visit interesting professional development seminars.
The Forum took place on the 21st of November 2016 in Sydney expecting 80 education agents from more than 50 agencies to visit the event.
Previous Forums took place in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane in 2011-2015. Universities, colleges, English language schools and secondary schools from NSW, VIC, SA, WA and QLD met with education agents recruiting students from all over the world.
Majority of participating agents are experienced education agents based locally. A typical agency recruits hundreds of students per year. A lot of agencies also have offices/ representatives in the countries where they recruit students. Education providers can arrange one-to-one appointments with them.
As a result of participation in the Forum, education agents will:
• Find the best placement for their international students.
• Meet current and potential partners.
• Sign agreements with new education providers.
• Gather important marketing intelligence.
Organizations interested in presenting their products or services to international education industry to join our event. Participation will allow you to meet 120+ international education industry professionals that recruit thousands of international students per year from more than 25 countries.
Exhibitors were able to:
• Introduce their products and services to international education industry professionals.
• Meet 80 onshore education agents from more than 50 agencies.
• Meet 30 education providers represented by 40+ international marketing and admissions managers or directors.
• Communicate with participants both formally during pre-arranged appointments and informally during coffee breaks and lunch